Friday, February 10, 2012

Toddler Love

Oh my goodness. What a couple of weeks it has been! Two Sundays ago, I was in the emergency room all night with my husband who had a kidney stone. The next day started a couple of weeks of sickness for my babies.. not over yet =( Anyway, today's Small Thing from Home Sanctuary was to find your inner glow, and it got me to thinking about what makes me "glow."

Many things in life make me glow: hanging out with friends, spending time with my hubby, mani/pedis, tanning, baking, and gardening to name a few. But nothing makes me feel quite the same way as spending time with my little boy, Jacob. He's 17 months old and his little personality is.. well, not so little! He is so curious, friendly, and loving. And he is suchhh a great big brother!! But I feel so guilty about having to take care of the baby so much. And I feel guilty that there are some things that I just can't let Jacob help with. Like today, he wanted to help bathe the baby. Jacob was in the real tub and Easton was in the baby tub. Jacob took his little bucket and tried to dump water into E's tub.. and missed.. and of course that was a huge mess. So, I try to spend time just hanging out with Jacob.

Today, it really hit me hard.. it doesn't matter WHAT you are doing with your child, as long as you are spending time with him. We were in his room.. I was sitting on the floor picking up his toys and books and trying to put them away. He was playing. He would hand me a toy and his little face would just light up. Oh what a sweet face.. his beautiful innocent enjoyment just slapped me in the face. He just wants to BE with me. It doesn't matter (right now) if I'm playing with his toys, or just giving him some attention. I try to do better every day. I know that the only way he will feel important and loved by his parents is if we spend time with him. Right now, time IS love. I want him to feel love.


  1. Jacob SO reminds me of my son, Grayson. He still loves for me to just BE with him in the same room. Sometimes when it's late and I just want to go to sleep he will want me to come in the kitchen while he makes a snack. I never refuse the invite because I think how lucky I am to have a teenager who likes my company! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Nothing better...great way to get that inner glow!

  2. Yea!!! Presence is everything. . .but only if you are *wholly* there. . .it's a goal of mine each day. . .some days are better then others. . .thank you for the reminder that we need to be purposeful every day that we can be.
