Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread

Yum. That is all I can say. I found this recipe the other day on StumbleUpon and I knew immediately that I MUST make it. I dreamed about it for about a week and finally, for our traditional "Family Breakfast" on Saturday morning (lovely tradition, by the way.. so glad we came up with it!) I was able to make it!!
                                           The yummy bread!!!

Honestly, I was kind of terrified to attempt this recipe, especially since I had company today. I have never made homemade bread before, and since I LOVE baking, I feel like I'm expected to know how to do it!! How did it turn out? Delicious! I think if I would have whipped up some cream cheese icing to drizzle over the top it would have been absolutely perfect.. I must remember that if I decide to make this recipe again. I will link the recipe here for anyone who would like to try it.. not you, Jessica. Stay away from this with that cinnamon allergy!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jacob's First Gardening Experience: A Sad Lesson for Mommy

The other day I was at Stephanie's house and we were talking about our beautiful children (her daughter is two weeks younger than Jacob, my oldest, who is 17 months today). The topic we were discussing was how they are so smart and can do so many things that it surprises/confuses/frustrates us whenever they can't or won't do other things that we think are just as simple. For example, Jacob can recognize color groups (he brings all the red blocks, then all the blue blocks, etc) but he doesn't get shapes yet.

Well, today I learned (yet again) the hard way (yet again) that he is just a baby still and he doesn't understand everything I think he should.
For Christmas from my Secret Santa I received gardening supplies, a red pot, and a red Amaryllis bulb (ohh yeah, my Santa knows me well!). Jacob was very interested in the trowels and the rake and he kept picking the box that had the bulb up and carrying it around. I thought, "Oh yes! He is going to have so much fun planting this with me!" So, we are home alone tonight and I have been dying to dig in the dirt (winter kills me with the being too cold to play outside and plant stuff), so I decided that we would go ahead and plant it today. And I was so happy because gardening is something that I really love and I was excited that my little man would be able to take part in something that I enjoy.

So, I got all the stuff together and got my phone camera ready. I wanted to be sure to document our fun to possibly blog about it later (which I am, but in a different way than I expected). Then I sat down and we got started. But instead of it being as much fun as I imagined, it ended up being much more stressful than I wanted. He didn't listen as well as he usually does and he was just way TOO excited about getting to use the tools and dig in the dirt. Before we put the bulb in, he thought it was okay to just treat it however he wanted to. Then after we got it covered up, he thought that he could dig it back up. I was so upset! 

Gavin called after we got it all put away and I was telling him about our experience, almost in tears. I just wanted to be able to share something I am passionate about with my little boy. He reminded me that Jacob is still a baby and one day he will be able to dig in the dirt with me if that is what he wants to do. He said that although Jacob is smart and energetic, there are still some things he can't understand. Even though he listens pretty well, he doesn't understand that planting the plant wasn't a game that he could keep playing when we were done. And I guess he really liked it because he wasn't ready to give it up!

What hard lessons have you learned lately? If you have kids, what experiences have you had when you thought your child was ready for something but s/he wasn't quite there yet?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Introduction to me and Meticulous Mess!

Hello!! My name is Katie and this is Meticulous Mess!

I am a wife and a mother of two (very) small children. I go to school full time for Veterinary Technology and I am in my very last semester, so as you can imagine I stay quite busy.

I have been considering blogging for a while. I follow a few blogs that I really love and the ladies (and sometimes gentlemen) that write them are very inspiring. I kept putting it off because I just didn't have a singular topic that I wanted to write about (marriage, mothering, cleaning, hair, pets, gardening, religion, politics, etc). Like everyone else, I have opinions and ideas about everything! Finally, I decided that I would just jump in a write about things that I really care about or that just pop into my head.

Some topics and ideas that have been on my mind to write about lately are just tips and tricks that I have been learning from other people. I'm thinking about housecleaning tricks, juggling school and family, becoming a more passionate Christian, keeping marriage fun, staying healthy, losing baby weight, baking, arts and crafts, parenting issues, gardening. Lots of random stuff.

So, I have never been a blogger before. I'm not sure how a blog about "random" things will work out, but I am looking forward to the adventure!

Does anyone have anything in particular you enjoy reading about? I would love to get even more ideas circulating in my head to write about!