Monday, March 26, 2012

MDA Muscle Walk

On St. Patrick's day, we went down to Lafayette to support the MDA and have a good time. I love going every year, and it kind of makes me sad that it doesn't get as much attention as I feel it deserves. This year I noticed some of the same people that were there last year. Next year I think that I will introduce our tiny group to those huge groups. It is always nice to make friends and grow your support system! Anyway, Jacob was actually old enough to have a good time this year, too! I was pregnant with him the first year and last year he was too tiny to have a good time.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Christian Love vs. Tolerance Part 4

Once again I apologize that it has been so long between the posts in this series. I am not one to make excuses for myself because I believe that if something or someone is important to you, you make time for it (or save up money for it, or practice it, or whatever the case may be.. you spend resources to prioritize it in your life). Unfortunately, I have failed to make this a priority in my life the past few weeks. However, I started this series because I felt led to do so, so I need to see it through.

At this time I would like to talk about what Tolerance looks like.

I tolerate my son whining when I know he is tired. (He doesn't know how to express himself)
I tolerate him playing with my phone when we are out and he has nothing else to play with. (I don't want him throwing a fit in public)
I tolerate him hanging all over me. (He is little and I will miss his affection when he is older)
I tolerate him pulling on his little brother. (He wants to play with him, and I want them to get along)

I tolerate people exaggerating stories to me. (Some people don't even realize they are doing it)
I tolerate people being lazy.. sometimes. (It's nicer for me to just do more work than to get into a conflict and lose my temper)

I tolerate the house being messy. (I need to focus on taking care of the kids, doing homework, and spending time with my husband)
I tolerate Gav's work schedule. (We need to survive!)

None of these things are things that I particularly like, but I put up with them. I deal with them.

The idea is pretty much the same when dealing with our friends, family, acquaintances, enemies, etc. who do not claim to be Christian. We can love them, or we can put up with them.

Tolerating them looks like this:

I don't like that you're gay, but I'm just going to ignore it. It's not that big of a deal.
I don't like that you're atheist, but we can be friends if we don't have to talk about religion. It's your soul.
I don't like that you sleep around, but it's none of my business. It's your future.

What I am trying to convey is that Love vs. Tolerance is mostly about attitude.

And do not for one second think that a person can not tell what your attitude about them is. I will grant that some people seem pretty clueless.. and probably are.. but the vast majority of people know (even if they don't act like it) when you are "putting up" with them, and when you are actually "okay" with them.

MDA Muscle Walk Donations

My husband has muscular dystrophy, so this cause is very important to me, and extremely close to my heart.

Every year, we participate in the Lafayette, LA Muscle Walk sponsored by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. This year we got our packet in late, so I am very VERY late posting this (we only have 1 week to do our fundraising for the walk!!) However, I would love to invite any and all who want to donate to follow the link below. You can then either search for participants: Katie Montgomery (that's me!) or Gavin Montgomery (that's my husband!) or Search for Team: Gavin's Gang. Then you will have to click on either the participant name or the team name (it really doesn't matter which) and on the right it will have the option to donate. Click it!! It's a very simple process, it will walk you right on through it. We really appreciate any little bit. What I am doing for people who donate in person is I am putting their name in a hat and drawing for a Walmart Gift Card.. probably around $20. If I can figure out a way to do that with the people who donate online, too, then I will, just for a little incentive (and I do mean little.. I know $20 doesn't go far..)

Anyway, please consider a donation. It would really mean a lot to me and my family <3 Thanks, Katie

Muscle Walk Link