Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread

Yum. That is all I can say. I found this recipe the other day on StumbleUpon and I knew immediately that I MUST make it. I dreamed about it for about a week and finally, for our traditional "Family Breakfast" on Saturday morning (lovely tradition, by the way.. so glad we came up with it!) I was able to make it!!
                                           The yummy bread!!!

Honestly, I was kind of terrified to attempt this recipe, especially since I had company today. I have never made homemade bread before, and since I LOVE baking, I feel like I'm expected to know how to do it!! How did it turn out? Delicious! I think if I would have whipped up some cream cheese icing to drizzle over the top it would have been absolutely perfect.. I must remember that if I decide to make this recipe again. I will link the recipe here for anyone who would like to try it.. not you, Jessica. Stay away from this with that cinnamon allergy!



  1. Do you remember the Monkey Bread that I used to make for ya'll out of canned biscuits and cinnamon sugar? It was good and some people call it pull apart bread. You tear up the biscuits in bite size pieces and dip them in melted butter and then cinnamon sugar and put them in a bundt pan and bake them. Mamaw Slaughter taught me to make that.

    1. That sounds delicious. I don't remember it, but I bet it tastes about as delicious as this did!!

  2. That looks fantastic!! I make the monkey bread version - with frozen rolls that is similar, but I'll be "truly homemade" is amazing. I'm very impressed. :)

  3. I meant, "I'll bet" not "I'll be...." lol
